monster hot rod

Madstonic is Creative customizer who maniac about monster and horror visual. Making art sculpture and custom hotrods diecast riding by monster in top speed. All stuff by Madstonic is not for children under the age.Many more stuff and product that made by madness like custom mad diecast, monster hotrods and art sculpture, custom accessories, T-shirt and same stuff, classic pin button, trading card, and many many more creative product in the mind that will be made.
Madstonic is a nickname and personal galery for artwork projects about monsters and rock n roll and not entirely merchandise. Many things influence the work of Madstonic, namely visual horror, monster hotrods and rock n roll music, of course. Madstonic makes works in various forms such as painting, graphic design, sculpture and much more. The original artworks were not sold open by Madstonic because they were made only for personal enjoyment, but did not rule out the possibility that the work would be sold if there were only those who were interested in buying it because of the enormous interest in Madstonic's work, with prices worth their interest. of course.
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